Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Guitar Fingers (For Left Handed People)

There’s a question arises from the beginners that how to play guitar scales and how to play guitar chords? Before playing guitar scales and guitar chords we must know the name of guitar playing fingers, which are called “Guitar Fingers”. The name of each finger for right hand are 1 = Index Finger; 2 = Middle Finger; 3 = Ring Finger; 4 = Pinky Finger; T = Thumb & the name of each finger for left hand are P = Thumb; I = 1st; M = Middle Finger; A = Ring Finger. I've given an illustration below for a better understanding. For further information, ask me questions & stay in touch…………….

Guitar Fingers (For Right Handed People)

There’s a question arises from the beginners that how to play guitar scales and how to play guitar chords? Before playing guitar scales and guitar chords we must know the name of guitar playing fingers, which are called “Guitar Fingers”. The name of each finger for left hand are 1 = Index Finger; 2 = Middle Finger; 3 = Ring Finger; 4 = Pinky Finger; T = Thumb & the name of each finger for right hand are P = Thumb; I = 1st; M = Middle Finger; A = Ring Finger. I've given an illustration below for a better understanding. For further information, ask me questions & stay in touch…………….

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Music is my wife

To me, music is my wife. When I make some love with my wife, always I have some babies. Yes, I was talking about my songs. I can't live without music.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Guitar Lessons (Basics)

Before learning “notes or pitches” of the guitar, you should remember few certain things always and they are as follows----------
  • Don’t forget there are only 12 notes 
  • And they are C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B 
  • Except E-F & B-C all other notes have a sharp/flat note. 
  • These notes repeat like the twelve (12) months of the year and they are named from low to high. 
  • A “musical year” is called an OCTAVE. 
  • Our ears have a range of many octaves. An ‘acoustic’ guitar has range of 4 ½ and an ‘electric’ guitar has range of almost 5.
  • 12 notes and their octaves altogether are called ‘Chromatic Scale’. The space in pitch between any two adjacent notes is called a ‘semitone’.
Stay in touch............

Guitar Notes (Primary Lessons For Beginners)

Before getting into Guitar Lessons, we must know the name of notes of it and they are accordingly C, C#-Db, D, D#-Eb, E, F, F#-Gb, G, G#-Ab, A, A#-Bb, B

And the name of symbols are

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Guitar Diagram

Here is an electric guitar diagram for new learners, hope you guys like it.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Strings are the artery of guitar

We know guitars but many of us don't know about its basic. Here is the lesson for beginners, who are eagerly wanna play guitar. Strings are the artery of guitar and through your hands they carry the music from the guitar to the heart of the people. So, first of all we must know the name of those strings. Basically strings are counted from below and their names are E,B,G,D,A,E. Don't forget that, they are counted from below of the guitar and the way you'll count E(1st), B(2nd), G(3rd), D(4th), A(5th) and E(6th) string. I tried to give an image, which one I created by the Photoshop, hope you all like it. If you don't get it, ask me questions and stay in touch.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I love to play guitar and acoustic is the best to me. If you wanna play guitar and wanna learn some lessons then you must know about guitar chords, scales, arpeggios, notes and many more. All over you must get to know about the guitar first. In my previous posts I shared some scales. If you don't know how to play scales, you can ask me without hesitation and any questions about guitar. I'd love to answer your questions. Stay in touch.